Welcome to my styled page!

Step 1:

  1. The doctype tag tells you what kind of document it is.
  2. A hyperlink is a link that links you to another link.
  3. You shouldnt use a web processor because the web browser could not read

Step 2:

  1. A selector tells the browser which part of the document is affected
  2. The property that sets the text color is color and background color is background color
  3. The background color

Step 3:

  1. Helvetica appearce in the body
  2. You include the 4 fonts because you are not sure what font your computer can read.

step 4:

  1. The padding property for this example is the left.
  2. Em means two time the current font.
  3. The nav bar is the one that is affected by the li.nav.

step 5:

  1. It changes the background color.
  2. The text decoreation doesnt do anything.
  3. Pseudo class tells the difference between a visited and unvisited link.

Step 6:

  1. Two border appearances can be dashed and double.

Made February 8 2011
by Dalia